Approval of design documentation
Approval of building design documentation
Building design documentation needs to be approved if the design crosses the infrastructure protection zone of Eesti Energia's subsidiary Enefit or requires the network to be relocated. We ask to submit the technical solution (building design documentation, plan) to us for approval before starting the procedure for issuing a building permit/notice in the Register of Construction Works.
The design must be based on legislation, technical conditions and the design task.

Approval of design documentation
Approval is needed if the design documentation of communications and construction work:
- Passes through an infrastructure protection zone of Enefit (an area of land, airspace or body of water surrounding a restriction area of an infrastructure of Enefit, where restrictions on the use of the infrastructure apply for safety reasons).
- Runs along the protection zone.
- Requires relocation of infrastructure (overhead lines, cable lines, switchboards etc) in connection with the planned construction work. In this case, an application for the reconstruction of the network needs to be submitted, which also has to be approved separately.

How much does the approval cost?
Minor design documentation
Covering up to 3 buildable areas (utility lines)
35.04 €
Major design documentation
Road design documentation with utility lines, large-scale utility network designs, land improvement etc.
97.34 €
Detailed spatial plan
Free of charge
Data will be sent within 10 business days.
When determining the scope of a design documentation, we take into account its complexity, the extent of the work area, the density
of infrastructure installations in the work area and the time needed for its proceeding.
If the design documentation does not meet the requirements
If the review of the request reveals that the design documentation does not comply with the applicable requirements or the conditions of Enefit, a refusal of approval will be issued. In this case, the submitter of the application must eliminate the deficiencies noted in the refusal and resubmit the design documentation for approval through our e-service. Approval of a resubmitted design documentation is subject to a fee according to the current price list.
More information about the approval: [email protected]