
Eesti Energia has become the second largest electricity seller in Latvia and Lithuania in just a few years

Last year was the first in the history of Eesti Energia where the company sold more electricity in its other home markets than in Estonia. Enefit has become the second largest electricity seller in the Latvian and Lithuanian markets.

In 2021, Eesti Energia sold 8.6 terawatt-hours of retail electricity, being a quarter more than in 2020. In Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, the total sales were over 4.4 terawatt-hours (52%), while in Estonia, nearly 4.2 terawatt-hours (48%).

According to Agnes Roos, Member of the Management Board of Eesti Energia, the Enefit brand is already very well known outside Estonia and the company has successfully won the hearts of its neighbours.

“We have significantly increased our market share in recent years. We stand out from our competitors with a very strong value proposition. As a reliable electricity seller, we respect our contractual obligations and never unilaterally change fixed-price contracts. Customers in Estonia and other markets respect that very much,” Roos explained.

According to Roos, the company is facing a big challenge in Lithuania, because in 2023 – ten years later than in Estonia – the Lithuanian electricity market will be finally opened and all household customers will have to choose an electricity seller.

“We see that we have a significant advantage in terms of both price and content. Lithuania is heavily dependent on electricity imports and local electricity is of great value to its people. We have what to offer: Renewable energy produced in Enefit Green's wind farms with the possibility to fix the price of electricity for up to six years. Electricity prices secured for such a long time are unique in today's world full of uncertainty,” Roos noted.

According to Roos, Eesti Energia's task is to be the enabler of the green revolution in all its home markets and to help customers plan and implement their journey towards a smaller environmental footprint. They have a wide range of energy solutions to offer, from solar panels to electric car charging.

Eesti Energia sells energy and energy solutions in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Finland. The company has been operating under the Enefit brand in Latvia since 2006 and in Lithuania since 2007. They started selling electricity to Latvian household customers in 2019 and to Lithuanian household customers in 2020.