
Eesti Energia Group audited annual report for the financial year 2021

Audited 2021 annual report is available at Eesti Energia’s Investor Relations webpage, link here. There are no major changes to the 2021 audited financial results of Eesti Energia Group compared to the 2021 unaudited financial results published on 28 February 2022. In the financial year 2021 the sales revenues of Eesti Energia Group amounted to EUR 1,313.0 million, +57.5% year-on-year. Group EBITDA was EUR 317.6 million (+48.7% year-on-year), and net profit amounted to EUR 111.5 million (+478% year-on-year).

According to the proposal of the management board of Eesti Energia Group dividend payments shall amount to 55.3 million euros for the financial year 2021, which consists of 8.3 million euros payable to the minority shareholders of Enefit Green AS, and of 46.7 million euros payable to the sole shareholder of Eesti Energia, State of Estonia. The dividends shall be paid in the 2022 financial year. In the financial year of 2021 no dividends were paid.