
Banks will change direct debits to e-invoice standing orders in February

From 1 February banks will change all Eesti Energia direct debits into e-invoice standing orders, which is a new service for paying invoices automatically. Unlike with our direct debit contracts Eesti Energia is no longer a party in the e-invoice standing order contracts so we would like to ask our current direct debit customers to contact their bank with any questions about the standing orders. You can see your e-invoice standing order contracts and their terms and conditions in your internet bank.

Once the new payment service comes in our current direct debit contract holders should note the following:

  • with the e-invoice standing order **the invoice is paid on the payment due date** which is usually the 14th day after the invoice is issued;
  • **Swedbank customers should note** that the invoice can be paid either on the invoice due date or on the current direct debit payment date, whichever comes first;
  • Eesti Energia will no longer have information about the terms and conditions of our customers' e-invoice standing order contracts and therefore **we will no longer put information on your invoice about whether the invoice is to be paid as an e-invoice standing order or whether the limit allows you to pay the invoice automatically;**
  • from February e-invoice standing order customers can view their Eesti Energia invoices in their internet bank. We will also continue sending invoices to your email addresses or by post just as you have received the invoices before.

We recommend that our customers check their internet bank during the first months to verify that the amount on the invoice has been correctly deducted from the account by the due date. We would also like to ask all e-invoice standing order customers to make sure that their standing order limit lets them pay their invoices.

Information about the transfer to e-invoice standing orders will be sent to our current direct debit customers in February attached to the invoice for January.